Crontab Issues Even When Everything Seems Fine, No Errors Found. Follow These Steps for a Guaranteed Resolution:
Use a Single Terminal or Tab to Create Your Desired Shell Script. Assign Permissions of 755 to the Shell Script. Execute the Crontab -e Command to Set Up the Script as a Cron Job, Configured to Run Every 10 Minutes, Throughout All Hours, Dates, Months, and Days of the Week. Next, Access the Crontab File Located at /etc/crontab and Replicate the Same Script Entry, Saving the Changes with the Command Esc, followed by wq!, and then Press Enter. Finally, Restart the Cron Service by Running /etc/init.d/cron restart, But Avoid Using /etc/init.d/cron reload. After Completing These Steps, Wait a Brief Period, and Your Script Should Execute After 10 Minutes.
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